Speaker: Yael Karshon (Tel Aviv/Toronto)
"Harnessing incomplete vector fields"
Time: 15:30 - 16:30
Room: MC 107
Let $M$ be an open subset of $\mathbb{R}^n$, or, more generally, a manifold. A vector field on $M$ integrates to a flow, which -- unless the vector field is complete -- is not everywhere defined for all times. Its time-one map is a diffeomorphism between open subsets of $M$. We say that this diffeomorphism excises a closed subset $Z$ of $M$ if its domain is the complement of $Z$ in $M$ and its image is all of $M$.
If a closed subset $Z$ of $M$ is diffeomorphic to the epigraph of a lower-semicontinuous function, we build a vector field on $M$ whose time-one flow excises $Z$ from $M$. Examples of such $Z$ include the ray $[0,\infty)$, what we call a "Cantor brush", and a "box with a tail". We do not know if this sufficient condition for excisability is necessary.
This is part of a joint project with Xiudi Tang about excisability in symplectic geometry. In the Geometry and Topology seminar on Wednesday I will discuss other parts of this work, but the two talks will be independent of each other.