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October 14, 2008
Tuesday, October 14
Analysis Seminar
Time: 15:30
Speaker: Hun Hee Lee (University of Waterloo)
Title: "* CANCELED *"
Room: MC 108

Abstract: Projectivity of certain non-commutative Lp spaces as modules over Fourier algebra.

Dales and Polyakov (2004) investigated projectivity of left L1(G)-modules for locally compact group G. The class of modules include C_0(G) and Lp(G) for 1< p < ∞. They proved that C_0(G) (resp. Lp(G) for 1<p<∞) is projective iff G is compact. In this talk we focus on the dual situation, namely A(G)-modules C*_r(G) and Lp(VN(G)) for 1<p< ∞. We will show that C*_r(G) (resp. Lp(VN(G)) for 1<p<∞) is an operator projective left A(G)-module when G is discrete and amenable. Conversely, we can show that C*_r(G) (resp. Lp(VN(G)) for 2≤ p < ∞) is not operator projective when G is not discrete. Unlike in the case of L1(G)-modules amenability plays an important role here. Indeed, C*_r(G) (resp. Lp(VN(G)) for 1<p<∞) is not an projective left operator A(G)-module when G is a discrete group containing \mathbb{F}_2, the free group with two generators.