Tuesday, March 31 |
Geometry and Topology
Time: 12:30
Speaker: Jean-Francois Lafont (Ohio State University) Title: "Hyperbolic groups act on high-dimensional spheres" Room: MC 107 Abstract: I'll show that every torsion-free delta-hyperbolic group supports a non-trivial topological action on a high-dimensional ball. Aside from a bad limit set in the boundary of the ball, this action is well-behaved. This was joint work with Tom Farrell. Analysis Seminar
Time: 15:30
Speaker: Eduardo Gonzalez (University of Massachusetts Boston) Title: "Compactness of the moduli space of symplectic vortices and gauged- Gromov Witten invariants" Room: MC 108 Abstract: Let X be a symplectic manifold and G a Lie group acting in a Hamiltonian fashion with a moment map f. Let P denote a principal G-bundle over a surface with area form V. A pair (A,u) of a connection A on P and a section u of the associated bundle P(X):=P imes_G X is a gauged pseudo-holomorphic map if it satisfies the A-twisted Cauchy-Rieman equation. The space of vortices is the quotient of gauged pseudo-holomorphic map by Aut(P). We will give a brief introduction to moduli spaces of curves arising from Gromov-Witten theory, including some Fredholm theory. We will show that under some good choices this moduli space can be compactified and get an orbifold structure. This is work in progress with A. Ott, C. Woodward and F. Ziltiner. |
Department of Mathematics
the University of Western Ontario
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