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October 09, 2009
Friday, October 09
Symplectic Learning Seminar
Time: 14:30
Speaker: Tatyana Foth (Western)
Title: "Luttinger's surgery and complex structures on $T^2\times D^2$."
Room: MC 107

Abstract: I will describe a result by Eliashberg and Polterovich that allows to construct a family $J_n$ of complex structures on $T^2\times D^2$ with strictly pseudoconvex boundary which are biholomorphically equivalent and homotopic through complex structures but not homotopic through complex structures with strictly pseudoconvex boundary. Note: $T^2\times D^2$ denotes the product of the 2-torus and the closed unit disk in $R^2$. The proof is based on the Lagrangian surgery method of K. Luttinger.