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Mathematics Calendar

March 09, 2010
Tuesday, March 09
Noncommutative Geometry
Time: 14:00
Speaker: Enxin Wu (Western)
Title: "Properties and uniqueness of Chern classes for vector bundles"
Room: MC 106

Abstract: In this talk, we will explore some properties of Chern classes. In the axiomatic way, these properties uniquely determine these Chern classes.

Pizza Seminar
Time: 17:30
Speaker: Rasul Shafikov (Western)
Title: "The mathematics of music: from the wave equation to equal temperament."
Room: MC 107

Abstract: In this talk I will explain how the solution of the wave equation can be used to explain music scales, temperament (i.e., music tuning) and harmony. We will also do a few experiments on a guitar.