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Mathematics Calendar

March 04, 2011
Friday, March 04
Algebra Seminar
Time: 14:30
Speaker: Stephen Watt (Western)
Title: "The mathematics of mathematical handwriting recognition"
Room: MC 107

Abstract: Accurate computer recognition of handwritten mathematics offers to provide a natural interface for mathematical computing, document creation and collaboration. Mathematical handwriting, however, provides a number of challenges beyond what is required for the recognition of handwritten natural languages. For example, it is usual to use symbols from a range of different alphabets and there are many similar-looking symbols. We present a geometric theory that we have found useful for recognizing mathematical symbols. Characters are represented as parametric curves approximated by certain truncated orthogonal series. This maps symbols to the low-dimensional vector space of series coefficients. The beauty of this theory is that a single, coherent view provides several related geometric techniques that give a high recognition rate and do not rely on peculiarities of the symbol set.