Thursday, March 24 |
Symplectic Learning Seminar
Time: 13:10
Speaker: M. VanHoof (Western) Title: "Resolving singularities of weighted projective spaces" Room: MC 104 Abstract: We will show how to resolve the singularities of the symplectic orbifold $(CP^2(1,2,q), \omega_{FS})$, where $q > 0$ is an odd positive integer. The approach we take involves symplectic cutting, and this is the first step towards trying to understand the symplectomorphism group of the orbifold in question. A guiding philosophy is to try to keep the number of blow ups to a minimum (in this case, 3) since the symplectomorphism group becomes much harder to understand after a certain number of blow ups." |
Department of Mathematics
the University of Western Ontario
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