Monday, December 05 |
Geometry and Topology
Time: 15:30
Speaker: Sean Tilson (Wayne State University) Title: "Power operations in the Kunneth Spectral Sequence" Room: MC 107 Abstract: Power operations have been constructed and successfully utilized in the Adams and Homological Homotopy Fixed Point Spectral Sequences by Bruner and Bruner-Rognes. It was thought that such results were not specific to the spectral sequence, but rather that they arose because highly structured ring spectra are involved. In this talk, we show that while the Kunneth Spectral Sequence enjoys some nice multiplicative properties, there are no non-zero operations on the $E_2$ page of the spectral sequence. Despite the negative results we are able to use old computations of Steinbergers with our current work to compute operations in the homotopy of some relative smash products. |
Department of Mathematics
the University of Western Ontario
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