Friday, January 27 |
Algebra Seminar
Time: 14:40
Speaker: German Combariza (Western) Title: "A few conjectures about multiple zeta values" Room: MC 107 Abstract: Multiple zeta values (MZV) are the numbers defined by the convergent series of the form $$\zeta(s_1,s_2,...,s_k)=\sum_{n_1>n_2>...>n_k>0}^\infty \{1/(n_1^{s_1} >... n_k^{s_k})\}$$for $s_i$ positive integers. For these real numbers there are some beautiful relations, some of them due to Euler, like $\zeta(2,1) = \zeta(3)$ or $\zeta(2n) = q\pi^{2n}$ for $q$ a rational number. In this lecture I will present some of the most famous conjectures about MZV and its relations. I will show how we try to see the truthfulness of this conjecture by looking at them until a small degree bounded by the capacity of the actual computers. |
Department of Mathematics
the University of Western Ontario
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