Tuesday, February 28 |
Analysis Seminar
Time: 14:30
Speaker: Ilya Kossovkiy (Western) Title: "Analytic Continuation of Holomorphic Mappings From Non-Minimal Hypersurfaces" Room: MC 107 Abstract: The classical result of H.Poincare states that a local biholomorphic mapping of an open piece of the 3-sphere in $\mathbb{C}^2$ onto another open piece extends analytically to a global holomorphic automorphism of the sphere. This theorem was generalized by H.Alexander to the case of a sphere in an arbitrary $\mathbb{C}^n,\,n\geq 2$, then later by S.Pinchuk for the case of strictly pseudoconvex hypersurface in the preimage and a sphere in the image, and finally by R.Shafikov and D.Hill for the case of an essentially finite hypersurface in the preimage and a quadric in the image. In this joint work with R.Shafikov we consider the - essentially new - case when a hypersurface $M$ in the preimage contains a complex hypersurface. We demonstrate that the above extension results fail in this case, and prove the following analytic continuation phenomenon: a local biholomorphic mapping of $M$ onto a non-degenerate hyperquadric in $\mathbb{CP}^n$ extends to a punctured neighborhood of the complex hypersurface, lying in $M$, as a multiple-valued locally biholomorphic mapping. Pizza Seminar
Time: 16:30
Speaker: Rasul Shafikov (Western) Title: "Introduction to Continued Fractions" Room: MC 107 Abstract: In this elementary talk I will discuss the definition and basic properties of continued fractions, a simple and in many respects a convenient way to represent real numbers. I will also give some applications. |
Department of Mathematics
the University of Western Ontario
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