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April 05, 2012
Thursday, April 05
Time: 15:30
Speaker: Evgeny Poletsky (Syracuse University)
Title: "Holomorphic Homotopy Theory"
Room: MC 107

Abstract: Holomorphic homotopy theory studies continuous deformations of holomorphic mappings and the major question is when one holomorphic mapping can be continuously deformed into another holomorphic mapping via holomorphic mappings. We call such mappings h-homotopic.

The serious studies of such questions was initiated by M. Gromov in 1989 who was interested in the homotopical Oka principle: when homotopic holomorphic mappings are h-homotopic? It led to the notions of Oka and elliptic manifolds and many interesting applications. Recently h-homotopical constructions appeared on non-elliptic manifolds which are much more general. For example, in the description of B. Joricke of envelopes of holomorphy and the disk formula for plurisubharmonic subextensions by F. Larusson and the speaker. These results raised an interest to h-homotopies on general complex manifolds.

In the talk we will briefly present Gromov's theory and then discuss the h-homotopy theory for general manifolds including the results of Joricke and Larusson-Poletsky. Finally, we will show how an h-analog for the fundamental group can be introduced.

The talk will be accessible to anybody with the knowledge of the first graduate course in complex variables.