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April 24, 2012
Tuesday, April 24
Analysis Seminar
Time: 14:30
Speaker: Feride Tiglay (Western)
Title: "Integrable evolution equations on spaces of tensor densities"
Room: MC 107

Abstract: In a pioneering paper V. Arnold presented a general framework within which it is possible to employ geometric and Lie theoretic techniques to study the equations of motion of a rigid body in R^3 and the equations of ideal hydrodynamics. I will describe how to extend his formalism and introduce two integrable PDE. One of the equations turns out to be closely related to the inviscid Burgers equation while the other has not been identified in any form before. These two PDE possess all the hallmarks of integrability: the existence of a Lax pair formulation, a bi-Hamiltonian structure, the presence of an infinite family of conserved quantities and the ability to write down explicitly some of its solutions. I will also talk about local well-posedness of the corresponding Cauchy problem and global existence of solutions.