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Mathematics Calendar

December 03, 2012
Monday, December 03
Noncommutative Geometry
Time: 14:30
Speaker: Alimjon Eshmatov (Western)
Title: "Noncommutative Symplectic Geometry (1)"
Room: MC 107

Abstract: In the first of a series of talks, I will try to give a basic idea of Noncommutative Geometry (due to M. Artin, Y. Manin, M.Kontsevich ...) which is sort of parallel to Connes' NCG. I will recall some basic facts and explain Kontsevich's idea of studying NCG through Representation varieties (Rep- functor).

Geometry and Topology
Time: 15:30
Speaker: Kyle Ormsby (MIT)
Title: "Cancelled"
Room: MC 108

Abstract: Cancelled