Tuesday, April 30 |
Algebra Seminar
Time: 14:30
Speaker: Brian Pike (Toronto) Title: "Milnor fibers of non-isolated singularities" Room: MC 108 Abstract: The Milnor fiber is a topological space which can be associated to certain germs of singular complex analytic or algebraic varieties. For isolated hypersurface singularities and isolated complete intersection singularities, the Milnor fiber can be described by a single "Milnor number." Beyond these cases, the topology of the Milnor fiber is often much more complicated. An alternative generalization of the classical isolated situations is the "singular Milnor fiber," which often has a simple topology even for nonisolated singularities. We'll discuss joint work with James Damon on finding a way to compute the corresponding "singular Milnor number." In a few cases, this work has led to ways of computing information about the classical Milnor fiber. |
Department of Mathematics
the University of Western Ontario
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