Wednesday, September 25 |
Noncommutative Geometry
Time: 14:30
Speaker: Nigel Higson (Penn State University) Title: "A geometric perspective on induction and restriction in tempered representation theory" Room: MC 107 Abstract: This talk is about the decomposition of the regular representation of a group like SL(2,R) into its irreducible constituents. The decomposition has both continuous and discrete parts, and more specifically my talk is about the continuous part, which arises through so-called parabolic induction. I'll describe a Hilbert bimodule construction, due to Pierre Clare, that places parabolic induction in a noncommutative-geometric, or C*-algebraic, context. It is also possible to construct an opposite "parabolic restriction" bimodule, although this is not at all trivial. The question of whether the induction and restriction bimodules are adjoint to one another has some interesting geometric aspects. This will be the main focus of the talk. Homotopy Theory
Time: 14:30
Speaker: Marcy Robertson (Western) Title: "Localization of spaces with respect to homology" Room: MC 108 Abstract: |
Department of Mathematics
the University of Western Ontario
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