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November 04, 2013
Monday, November 04
Geometry and Topology
Time: 15:30
Speaker: Martin Frankland (Western)
Title: "Completed power operations for Morava $E$-theory"
Room: MC 108

Abstract: Morava $E$-theory is an important cohomology theory in chromatic homotopy theory. Using work of Ando, Hopkins, and Strickland, Rezk described the algebraic structure found in the homotopy of $K(n)$-local commutative $E$-algebras via a monad on $E_*$-modules that encodes all power operations. However, the construction does not see that the homotopy of a $K(n)$-local spectrum is $L$-complete (in the sense of Greenlees-May and Hovey-Strickland). We improve the construction to a monad on $L$-complete $E_*$-modules, and discuss some applications. Joint with Tobias Barthel.