Friday, November 22 |
PhD Thesis Defence
Time: 14:00
Speaker: Martin VanHoof (Western) Title: ""Symplectomorphism Groups of Weighted Projective Spaces and Related Embedding Spaces"" Room: MC 108 Abstract: We consider weighted projective spaces and homotopy properties of their symplectomorphism groups. In the case of one singularity, the symplectomorphism group is weakly homotopy equivalent to the Kahler isometry group of a certain Hirzebruch surface that corresponds to the resolution of the singularity. In the case of multiple singularities, the symplectomorphism groups are weakly equivalent to tori. These computations allow us to investigate some properties of related embedding spaces. Algebra Seminar
Time: 14:30
Speaker: Marcy Robertson (Western) Title: "Schematic homotopy types of operads" Room: MC 107 Abstract: The rational homotopy type $X_{\mathbb{Q}}$ of an arbitrary space $X$ has pro-nilpotent homotopy type. As a consequence, pro-algebraic homotopy invariants of the space $X$ are not accessible through the space $X_{\mathbb{Q}}$. In order to develop a substitute of rational homotopy theory for non-nilpotent spaces Toen introduced the notion of a pointed schematic homotopy type over a field $\mathbb{k}$, $(X\times k)^{sch}.$ In his recent study of the pro-nilpotent Grothendieck - Teichm$\mathrm{\ddot{u}}$ller group via operads, Fresse makes use of the rational homotopy type of the little $2$-disks operad $E_2$. As a first step in the extension of Fresse's program to the pro-algebraic case we discuss the existence of a schematization of the little $2$-disks operad. |
Department of Mathematics
the University of Western Ontario
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