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February 27, 2014
Thursday, February 27
Index Theory Seminar
Time: 12:00
Speaker: Sean Fitzpatrick (Western)
Title: "Properties of the index of transversally elliptic operators"
Room: MC 107

Abstract: Continuing from last week's lecture, I will discuss some of the functorial properties of the index of transversally elliptic operators, and give some basic examples.

Time: 15:30
Speaker: André Joyal (UQAM)
Title: "What is Homotopy Type Theory?"
Room: MC 107

Abstract: HOTT is a new branch of mathematics arising from the unexpected encounter of logic with homotopy theory. It provides a new foundation of mathematics which can be implemented in a computerised proof assistant like Coq or Agda. I will briefly describe the history of the subject, from Martin-Löf, to Awodey, Warren and Voevodsky. I will describe HOTT in the language of category theory and discuss the geometric meaning of Voevodsky's univalence axiom.