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March 03, 2015
Tuesday, March 03
Analysis Seminar
Time: 14:30
Speaker: Rasul Shafikov (Western)
Title: "Rational Convexity of Lagrangian inclusions (Part I)"
Room: MC 107

Abstract: A Lagrangian inclusion is a smooth map from a compact real surface into $C^2$ which is a local Lagrangian embedding except a finite set of singular points. The singular points can be taken to be either transverse double self-intersection points or the so-called open Whitney umbrellas. In the first talk I introduce relevant terminology and will formulate a recent result (joint with A. Sukhov) concerning rational convexity of a Lagrangian inclusion with one umbrella point. As an application I will explain how Lagrangian surgery can be used to obtain some approximation results on real surfaces.