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March 10, 2016
Thursday, March 10
Noncommutative Geometry
Time: 11:30
Speaker: (Western)
Title: "Higgs fields and symmetry breaking mechanism II"
Room: TBA

Abstract: Existence of massive gauge bosons breaks down the local gauge invariance of Yang-Maills Lagrangians. In this lecture we shall look at one method to deal with this situation through the introduction of Higgs fields.

Graduate Seminar
Time: 13:30
Speaker: James Richardson (Western)
Title: "Homotopical perspective on 2-monads"
Room: MC 107

Abstract: This talk will be a nontechnical introduction to the interactions between homotopy theory and 2-category theory, focusing particularly on homotopical perspectives on 2-monads. No prior experience with 2-categories will be necessary.

Time: 15:30
Speaker: Ugo Bruzzo (SISSA, Trieste, Italy)
Title: "On the Noether-Lefschetz problem"
Room: MC 107

Abstract: A classical result, usually ascribed to Noether and Lefschetz, states that a very general surface $X$ in complex projective 3-space $\mathbb{P}^3$ has Picard number 1 (i.e., the group of isomorphism classes of line bundles on $X$ is $\mathbb{Z}$). The problem of finding an estimate of the codimension of the loci in the moduli spaces of surfaces in $\mathbb{P}^3$ whose points correspond to surfaces with a bigger Picard group is unsuspectedly complicated.

In a first part of my talk I will review these classical results. Then I will sketch a generalization to surfaces in normal toric 3-folds.