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April 06, 2016
Wednesday, April 06
Geometry and Combinatorics
Time: 16:00
Speaker: Dinesh Valluri (Western)
Title: "Introduction to equivariant Chow groups (part II)"
Room: MC 108

Abstract: In the last talk we introduced Equivariant Chow groups and proved that they are well defined using a certain double fibration argument. In this talk we will present the functoriality of the flat pull backs and proper pushforwards of Equivariant cycles. We will review Grothendieck's axiomatic construction of Chern classes in the classical context and use it to define 'Equivariant Chern classes'. If time permits we will compute some examples of Equivariant Chow groups and a result which allows us to compute such groups just using the Equivariant Chow groups of the maximal torus.