Friday, June 24 |
Comprehensive Exam Presentation
Time: 13:00
Speaker: Jasmin Omanovic (Western) Title: "Cohomological invariants, quadratic forms and central simple algebras with involution" Room: MC 107 Abstract: The study of quadratic forms seems far removed from the study of (central) simple algebras, and in general, this is indeed the case. However, if we assume the central simple algebra carries an involution (such as matrix algebras and quaternion algebras) then we have a different story. In this talk, we will study the relationship between algebras with an involution and quadratic forms (assuming characteristic is not 2). In particular, we will discuss the relevance of cohomological invariants as a classification tool in the study of quadratic forms, in hopes of trying to extend what we have learned to central simple algebras with involution. |
Department of Mathematics
the University of Western Ontario
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