Monday, October 31 |
Noncommutative Geometry
Time: 12:30
Speaker: Masoud Khalkhali (Western) Title: "Random Matrix Theory (III)" Room: MC 107 Abstract: Geometry and Topology
Time: 15:30
Speaker: Aji Dhillon (Western) Title: "Quotient stacks as root stacks" Room: MC 107 Abstract: Being a root stack imposes strong conditions on inertia groups. Given a group acting on an algebraic variety I will discuss when these conditions are fulfilled and the resulting quotient turns out to be a root stack. This joint work with Ivan Kobyzev uses some fundamental theorems of algebraic geometry, Abhyankar's lemma, the Chevellary-Shephard-Todd theorem and Luna's etale slice theorem. These results will be introduced. |
Department of Mathematics
the University of Western Ontario
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