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Mathematics Calendar

October 11, 2019
Friday, October 11
Quantum Geometry
Time: 14:30
Speaker: Elliott Gesteau (Perimeter Institute)
Title: "A new renormalization of Yukawa interactions in the Standard Model from Noncommutative Geometry"
Room: MC 108

Abstract: The Spectral Action principle of Noncommutative Geometry has been extremely successful to understand the mathematical structure of the Standard Model of particle physics. However, as a classical framework, it does not yet encompass the corrections of renormalization, which are crucial to understand the quantized version of any field theory. In this talk, I will describe a first attempt to describe renormalization directly within the setting of Noncommutative Geometry, in the case of Yukawa interactions. In particular, I will show that Wetterich's theory of functional renormalization, when applied to a matrix model inspired from the Dirac operator of the Noncommutative Standard Model, reduces to the usual Feynman diagram approach.

Algebraic Geometry
Time: 15:30
Speaker: Nicole Lemire (Western)
Title: "Lambda operations"
Room: WSC 187
