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October 12, 2021
Tuesday, October 12
Equivariant Topology Seminar
Time: 09:30
Speaker: Kumar Sannidhya Shukla
Title: "The Weil model for the equivariant de Rham cohomology of $G$-manifolds"
Room: online

Abstract: Last week, equivariant cohomology for $G$-spaces was defined. In this talk, we will define equivariant cohomology in the setting of smooth manifolds under Lie group action. We will first construct an algebraic model for the universal $G$-bundle (called the Weil algebra). Using this we shall define an equivariant version of de Rham complex. Lastly, we will work out the Weil algebra for circle actions.

Meeting ID: 997 4840 9440 Passcode: 911104