Wednesday, November 08 |
Transformation Groups Seminar
Time: 10:30
Speaker: Lewis Stanton (University of Southampton) Title: "Loop spaces of moment-angle complexes associated to flag complexes" Room: Zoom Abstract: Polyhedral products are natural subspaces of the Cartesian product of spaces, which have a diverse range of applications across mathematics. One particular special case is the moment-angle complex. Work of various authors has identified families of simplicial complexes for which the loop space of their corresponding moment-angle complex is homotopy equivalent to a product of spheres and loops on spheres. In this talk, I will survey the current progress in this direction, and then expand the family of simplicial complexes for which such a decomposition is known - namely simplicial complexes which are the k-skeleton of a flag complex. Analysis Seminar
Time: 14:30
Speaker: Rasul Shafikov (Western) Title: "Rational convexity and symplectic geometry" Room: MC 108 Abstract: In this talk I will define Liouville vector fields, Weinstein domains, contact type submanifolds and discuss their connection with Stein structures and rational convexity in $\mathbb C^n$. Geometry and Topology
Time: 15:30
Speaker: Lukas Muller (Perimeter Institute) Title: "Quantum representations of handlebody groups" Room: MC 107 Abstract: Mapping class groups of surfaces and handlebody groups are fundamental objects in low-dimensional topology. Quantum algebra and mathematical physics provide large classes of finite dimensional representations for both. In this talk, I will discuss examples of those representations and their properties. An important feature is that they are local under cutting and gluing of handlebodies. I will sketch an approach to a precise formulation of this property and present a complete classification result. The talk is based on joint work with Lukas Woike. |
Department of Mathematics
the University of Western Ontario
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