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Mathematics Calendar

October 29, 2024
Tuesday, October 29
Geometry and Combinatorics
Time: 08:30
Speaker: Mieke Fink (University of Bonn)
Title: "Valuative invariants for matroids"
Room: zoom

Abstract: Contact the organiser for the link!

Transformation Groups Seminar
Time: 09:30
Speaker: Vladimir Gorchakov (Western)
Title: "Cohomology of Free Loop Spaces II"
Room: MC 108

Abstract: In this talk, we will discuss the cohomology groups of the free loop space of a topological space X, which is the space of all continuous maps from S^1 to X. Using the Eilenberg–Moore spectral sequence, we will connect these cohomology groups and Hochschild homology and compute them in specific cases. We will mostly follow the article "On the Characteristic Zero Cohomology of the Free Loop Space" by L. Smith.