Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
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29 Noncommutative Geometry
Noncommutative Geometry Speaker: TBA (Western) "NCG Learning Seminar" Time: 15:00 Room: MC 107 |
30 Analysis Seminar
Analysis Seminar Speaker: Tatyana Foth (Western) "K\"ahler manifolds, line bundles, and quantization." Time: 15:30 Room: MC 108 It will be a survey talk, with an overview of some recent results
related to complex geometry, geometric quantization,
and Toeplitz operators. |
1 Noncommutative Geometry
Noncommutative Geometry Speaker: (Western) "NCG Learning Seminar" Time: 15:00 Room: MC 107 |
2 Colloquium
Colloquium Speaker: Megumi Harada (McMaster University) "The topology of Hamiltonian quotients" Time: 15:30 Room: MC 108 Symplectic geometry lies at the crossroads of many exciting areas of research due to its relationship to geometric
representation theory, combinatorics, and algebraic geometry, among others. As often happens in mathematics, the presence of symmetry in these geometric structures -- in this context, a {\em Hamiltonian G-action} for G a Lie group -- turns out to be crucial in the computation of topological invariants, such as the Betti numbers, the cohomology ring, or the K-theory, of symplectic manifolds which arise as {\em Hamiltonian quotients}. I will give a bird's-eye, motivating overview of this subject. Time permitting, I will give a brief survey of my recent work on this topic, which include generalizations of previous work to hyperk\"ahler geometry, as well as to cases in which the symmetry group is the infinite-dimensional loop group LG of a compact Lie group. |
3 Hodge Theory
Hodge Theory Speaker: Priyavrat Deshpande (Western) "Hermitian Differential Geometry" Time: 10:00 Room: MC 104 |
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7 Analysis Seminar
Analysis Seminar Speaker: André Boivin (Western) "Uniform approximation on Riemann surfaces - a survey." Time: 15:30 Room: MC 108 A closed subset E of a Riemann surface R is called a set of holomorphic (resp. meromorphic) approximation if every function continuous on E and holomorphic on Int(E) can be approximated uniformly on E by functions holomorphic (resp. meromorphic) on (all of) R. When R is the complex plane, a complete characterization of the sets of approximation is known. For arbitrary noncompact Riemann surfaces, and E noncompact, the problem is still wide open. |
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10 Algebra Seminar
Algebra Seminar Speaker: Peter Oman (Western) "Goodwillie calculus and a differential-geometric interpretation to problems in homotopy theory" Time: 15:00 Room: MC 107 |
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14 Analysis Seminar
Analysis Seminar Speaker: Hun Hee Lee (University of Waterloo) "* CANCELED *" Time: 15:30 Room: MC 108 Projectivity of certain non-commutative Lp spaces as modules over Fourier algebra. Dales and Polyakov (2004) investigated projectivity of left L1(G)-modules for locally compact group G. The class of modules include C_0(G) and Lp(G) for 1< p < ∞. They proved that C_0(G) (resp. Lp(G) for 1<p<∞) is projective iff G is compact. In this talk we focus on the dual situation, namely A(G)-modules C*_r(G) and Lp(VN(G)) for 1<p< ∞. We will show that C*_r(G) (resp. Lp(VN(G)) for 1<p<∞) is an operator projective left A(G)-module when G is discrete and amenable. Conversely, we can show that C*_r(G) (resp. Lp(VN(G)) for 2≤ p < ∞) is not operator projective when G is not discrete. Unlike in the case of L1(G)-modules amenability plays an important role here. Indeed, C*_r(G) (resp. Lp(VN(G)) for 1<p<∞) is not an projective left operator A(G)-module when G is a discrete group containing \mathbb{F}_2, the free group with two generators. |
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17 Hodge Theory
Hodge Theory Speaker: Enxin Wu (Western) "Examples of connection and curvature on vector bundles." Time: 10:00 Room: MC 104 |
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20 Noncommutative Geometry
Noncommutative Geometry Speaker: Farzad Fathizadeh (Western) "pseudodifferential operators and index theory 1" Time: 15:00 Room: MC 107 Using heat equation methods, the index of an elliptic operator can be computed by
a local formula. In this series of lectures, we will review the necessary analysis for
defining the index of an elliptic operator, and derive a local formula for the index.
21 Analysis Seminar
Analysis Seminar Speaker: Rasul Shafikov (Western) "Introductions to CR functions" Time: 15:30 Room: MC 108 In this three lecture series I will give a general introduction to CR functions. I will start with basic definitions and examples. Then I will give an overview of
classical results on holomorphic extension and approximation of CR functions. In the last lecture I will discuss the recent joint work with Chakrabarti on CR functions on singular hypersurfaces. |
22 Noncommutative Geometry
Noncommutative Geometry Speaker: Farzad Fathizadeh (Western) "pseudodifferential operators and index theory 2" Time: 15:00 Room: MC 107 Using heat equation methods, the index of an elliptic operator can be computed by
a local formula. In this series of lectures, we will review the necessary analysis for
defining the index of an elliptic operator, and derive a local formula for the index. |
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24 Hodge Theory
Hodge Theory Speaker: Enxin Wu (Western) "Examples of connection and curvature on vector bundles. Part II." Time: 10:00 Room: MC 106 Algebra Seminar
Algebra Seminar Speaker: Enxin Wu (Western) "Deformation and Hochschild cohomology of A-infinity algebras with an application" Time: 15:00 Room: MC 107 In this talk, we will review the deformation and Hochschild cohomology of associative algebras and generalize it to A-infinity algebras. One simple application will be given afterwards. This is based on my extended master thesis in China, which can be downloaded at Slides will be used in this talk. |
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27 Noncommutative Geometry
Noncommutative Geometry Speaker: Farzad Fathizadeh (Western) "pseudodifferential operators and index theory 3" Time: 15:00 Room: MC 107 Using heat equation methods, the index of an elliptic operator can be computed by
a local formula. In this series of lectures, we will review the necessary analysis for
defining the index of an elliptic operator, and derive a local formula for the index." |
28 Analysis Seminar
Analysis Seminar Speaker: Rasul Shafikov (Western) "Introductions to CR functions II" Time: 15:30 Room: MC 108 |
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30 Colloquium
Colloquium Speaker: Joel Kamnitzer (University of Toronto) "Categorical actions of sl(2) and equivalences of categories" Time: 14:30 Room: MC 108 Actions of the Lie algebra sl(2) on vector spaces arise naturally in
combinatorics, geometry, and algebra. Such an action consists of a sequence
of vector spaces with linear maps between them satisfying certain relations. From this perspective, one can define an action of sl(2) on a category to be
a sequence of categories with functors between them satisfying certain
relations. Such actions were studied by Chuang-Rouquier in the context of
representations of the symmetric group in positive characteristic.
More recently, Cautis, Licata, and the speaker studied an action of sl(2)
where the categories involved were derived categories of coherent sheaves on
cotangent bundles to Grassmannians. Following the ideas of Chuang-Rouquier,
we used this sl(2) action to construct an equivalence of derived categories
between different cotangent bundles of Grassmannians.
31 Hodge Theory
Hodge Theory Speaker: Richard Gonzales (Western) "Chern classes of differentiable vector bundles." Time: 10:00 Room: MC 106 |
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