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3 Analysis Seminar
Analysis Seminar Speaker: Debraj Chakrabarti (Tata Institute, Bangalore) "Condition R and Proper Holomorphic mapping of equidimensional product domains" Time: 14:30 Room: MC 107 Consider two domains $D$ and $G$ in $\mathbb{C}^n$, each of
which is the product
of smoothly bounded domains, and assume that each factor of $D$ satisfies
condition R, i.e, the Bergman projection preserves the class of
functions smooth up to the boundary.
We show that any proper holomorphic map from $D$ to $G$ extends
smoothly to the closures,
and splits as a product of equidimensional mappings of the factors.
We also consider some possible generalization to a class of piecewise
smooth domains.
This is joint work with Kaushal
Verma. |
4 Geometry and Combinatorics
Geometry and Combinatorics Speaker: Mehdi Garrousian (Western) "Tropical Geometry II" Time: 14:00 Room: MC 104 Tropical geometry is the discrete geometry version of algebraic geometry
which provides a framework for reducing classical algebraic geometry
questions into combinatorial ones. We start by introducing the tropical
semiring and some motivational examples from computer science. The main
objective of the talk is to explain the equivalent constructions of the
tropical varieties. |
5 Colloquium
Colloquium Speaker: Evgeny Poletsky (Syracuse University) "Holomorphic Homotopy Theory" Time: 15:30 Room: MC 107 Holomorphic homotopy theory studies continuous deformations of holomorphic
mappings and the major question is when one holomorphic mapping can be
continuously deformed into another holomorphic mapping via holomorphic
mappings. We call such mappings h-homotopic.
The serious studies of such questions was initiated by M. Gromov in 1989
who was interested in the homotopical Oka principle: when homotopic
holomorphic mappings are h-homotopic? It led to the notions of Oka and
elliptic manifolds and many interesting applications.
Recently h-homotopical constructions appeared on non-elliptic manifolds
which are much more general. For example, in the description of B. Joricke
of envelopes of holomorphy and the disk formula for plurisubharmonic
subextensions by F. Larusson and the speaker. These results raised an
interest to h-homotopies on general complex manifolds.
In the talk we will briefly present Gromov's theory and then discuss the
h-homotopy theory for general manifolds including the results of Joricke and
Larusson-Poletsky. Finally, we will show how an h-analog for the fundamental
group can be introduced.
The talk will be accessible to anybody with the knowledge of the first
graduate course in complex variables. |
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9 Geometry and Topology
Geometry and Topology Speaker: Thomas Fiore (University of Michigan-Dearborn) "Waldhausen Additivity: Classical and Quasicategorical" Time: 15:30 Room: MC 107 We given an elementary proof of Waldhausen Additivity using key ideas from earlier proofs. Then we discuss how to prove the quasicategorical version. Model category arguments do not play a role, nor do any technical results about quasicategories. This is joint work with David Gepner and Wolfgang Lueck. |
10 Graduate Seminar
Graduate Seminar Speaker: Ali Al-Khairy (Western) "More Properties in Category Theory" Time: 16:30 Room: MC 107 This talk will discuss further properties of categories, such as opposite functors and changing variance, products and bifunctors, adjoint functors, and exactness. |
11 Geometry and Combinatorics
Geometry and Combinatorics Speaker: Mehdi Garrousian (Western) "Tropical Geometry III" Time: 14:00 Room: MC 104 Last time, we gave a precise definition for a tropical variety as the
closure of the image of a classical variety under an evaluation map. We'll
continue the analysis by giving an equivalent description in terms of
initial ideals and show that a tropical variety is a subcomplex of the
Groebner complex. Next interesting topics in the line are the zero tension
condition and Bezout's theorem as an intro to tropical intersection theory.
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13 Algebra Seminar
Algebra Seminar Speaker: Claudio Quadrelli (University of Milano-Bicocca) "Bloch-Kato groups and Galois groups?" Time: 14:40 Room: MC 107 Every profinite group is a Galois group, but which one is also an ${\textit{absolute}}$ Galois group? The cohomological implications of the Bloch-Kato conjecture -- positively solved by M.~Rost and V.~Voevodsky --
allows us to define ${\bf{Bloch-Kato}}$ ${\bf{pro-}}$$p$ ${\bf{groups}}$, which play a crucial role, since they arise naturally
as maximal pro-$p$ quotients and Sylow pro-$p$ subgroups of absolute Galois groups.
In this seminar I will present the state of the art of the research on Bloch-Kato groups,
with a particular mention of the 'Elementary Type Conjecture' of maximal pro-$p$ Galois groups.
Yet, there's still a lot of work to do: indeed every maximal pro-$p$ Galois group is equipped with an
${\textit{orientation}}$ $G_F(p)\rightarrow\mathbb{Z}_p^\times$, arising from the action on the group of
the roots of unity of $p$-power order. The study of such orientation for Bloch-Kato groups will provide hopefully new results. |
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18 Ph.D. Presentation
Ph.D. Presentation Speaker: Tyson Davis (Western) "Gerbes, twisted sheaves and essential dimension" Time: 13:00 Room: MC 107 Geometry and Combinatorics
Geometry and Combinatorics Speaker: Bruce Fontaine (University of Toronto) "Invariant spaces and the geometric Satake correspondence" Time: 14:30 Room: MC 108 Given a simple, simply connected Lie group G, a common object of
study is the space of G invariant tensors in tensor product of G
representations. In the case of a tensor product of minuscule
representations, the graphical calculus of webs developed by Greg Kuperberg
is a natural way to specify invariant tensors. On the other hand, the
geometric Satake correspondence can be used to realize the invariant space
as the top homology of a variety we call the Satake fibre. We will show that
there is a connection between these the two different ways of constructing
the invariant space.
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23 Geometry and Topology
Geometry and Topology Speaker: Niles Johnson (University of Georgia) "Modeling stable 1-types" Time: 15:30 Room: MC 107 It is a classical result that groupoids model homotopy
1-types, in the sense that there is an equivalence between the
homotopy categories, via the classifying space and fundamental
groupoid functors. We extend this to stable homotopy 1-types and
Picard groupoids. Using an algebraic description of Picard groupoids,
we give a model for the Postnikov invariant of a stable 1-type and
describe the action of the truncated sphere spectrum in these terms.
We relate this data to exact sequences of Picard groupoids developed
by Vitale, constructing a model for the homotopy cofiber of a map of
stable 1-types. Joint with Angélica Osorno. |
24 Analysis Seminar
Analysis Seminar Speaker: Feride Tiglay (Western) "Integrable evolution equations on spaces of tensor densities" Time: 14:30 Room: MC 107 In a pioneering paper V. Arnold presented a general framework
within which it is possible to employ geometric and Lie theoretic
techniques to study the equations of motion of a rigid body in R^3 and the
equations of ideal hydrodynamics. I will describe how to extend his
formalism and introduce two integrable PDE. One of the equations turns out
to be closely related to the inviscid Burgers equation while the other has
not been identified in any form before. These two PDE possess all the
hallmarks of integrability: the existence of a Lax pair formulation, a
bi-Hamiltonian structure, the presence of an infinite family of conserved
quantities and the ability to write down explicitly some of its solutions.
I will also talk about local well-posedness of the corresponding Cauchy
problem and global existence of solutions. |
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26 Colloquium
Colloquium Speaker: Remus Floricel (University of Regina) "Structure and classification of $E_0$-semigroups" Time: 15:30 Room: MC 108 Introduced by R.T. Powers, $E_0$-semigroups are one-parameter semigroups $\rho=\{\rho_t\}_{t\geq 0}$ of unital normal *-endomorphisms acting on von Neumann algebras, usually the von Neumann
algebra $B(H)$ of all bounded linear operators on a separable Hilbert space
$H$. $E_0$-semigroups can be regarded as quantum generalizations of the classical time-irreversible dynamical systems, and their study takes into account at a non-commutative level various dissipation mechanisms and state-time evolution phenomena. It is our purpose, in this presentation, to survey the current state of knowledge of the subject, and to discuss several classification problems. |
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30 Ph.D. Presentation
Ph.D. Presentation Speaker: Asghar Ghorbanpour (Western) "Spectral Zeta Function and Spectral Invariants of Noncommutative 4-Dimensional Tori" Time: 10:00 Room: MC 108 One knows from classical dierential geometry and geometric analysis that several invariants of compact manifolds can be encoded in terms of the spectrum of geometric operators like Laplacian or Dirac operator on a manifold. By a general theorem of Seeley-DeWitt-Gilkey [5], terms in the asymptotic expansion of the heat flow associated to the Laplacian on compact manifolds, contains information like volume (Weyl's law), scalar curvature and more subtle invariants.
Some of these techniques can be extended to the setting of noncommutative geometry thanks to the formalism of spectral triples and spectral zeta functions.
A recent breakthrough in this area was the work of Connes-Tretko [2] and Fathizadeh-Khalkhali [3] where they proved the Gauss-Bonnet theorem for NC 2-torus. A more recent development is the work of Connes-Moscovici [1] and
Fathizadeh-Khalkhali [4] where they have managed to compute the scalar curvature of the NC 2-torus by explicitly computing the value of the zeta functional \zeta_{\Delta}(s) = tr (a\Delta^{-s}).
In my presentation I will go through the recent works and their main ideas and also discuss some of those ideas for NC 4-torus and some results which we have recently found for NC 4-tori.
[1] A. Connes, H. Moscovici, Modular curvature for noncommutative two-tori,
[2] A. Connes, P. Tretko, The Gauss-Bonnet theorem for the noncommutative
two torus, arXiv:0910.0188.
[3] F. Fathizadeh, M. Khalkhali, The Gauss-Bonnet theorem for noncommuta-
tive two tori with a general conformal structure, arXiv:1005.4947.
[4] F. Fathizadeh, M. Khalkhali, Scalar curvature for the noncommutative two
torus, arXiv:1110.3511.
[5] P. Gilkey, Invariance theory, the heat equation, and the Atiyah-Singer index
theorem, Mathematics Lecture Series, 11. Publish or Perish, Inc., Wilming-
ton, DE, 1984.
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