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20 Noncommutative Geometry
Noncommutative Geometry Speaker: Farzad Fathizadeh (Western) "pseudodifferential operators and index theory 1" Time: 15:00 Room: MC 107 Using heat equation methods, the index of an elliptic operator can be computed by
a local formula. In this series of lectures, we will review the necessary analysis for
defining the index of an elliptic operator, and derive a local formula for the index.
21 Analysis Seminar
Analysis Seminar Speaker: Rasul Shafikov (Western) "Introductions to CR functions" Time: 15:30 Room: MC 108 In this three lecture series I will give a general introduction to CR functions. I will start with basic definitions and examples. Then I will give an overview of
classical results on holomorphic extension and approximation of CR functions. In the last lecture I will discuss the recent joint work with Chakrabarti on CR functions on singular hypersurfaces. |
22 Noncommutative Geometry
Noncommutative Geometry Speaker: Farzad Fathizadeh (Western) " pseudodifferential operators and index theory 2" Time: 15:00 Room: MC 107 Using heat equation methods, the index of an elliptic operator can be computed by
a local formula. In this series of lectures, we will review the necessary analysis for
defining the index of an elliptic operator, and derive a local formula for the index. |
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24 Hodge Theory
Hodge Theory Speaker: Enxin Wu (Western) "Examples of connection and curvature on vector bundles. Part II." Time: 10:00 Room: MC 106 Algebra Seminar
Algebra Seminar Speaker: Enxin Wu (Western) "Deformation and Hochschild cohomology of A-infinity algebras with an application" Time: 15:00 Room: MC 107 In this talk, we will review the deformation and Hochschild cohomology of associative algebras and generalize it to A-infinity algebras. One simple application will be given afterwards. This is based on my extended master thesis in China, which can be downloaded at http://www.math.uwo.ca/~ewu22/notes.html. Slides will be used in this talk. |
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