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9 Geometry and Topology
Geometry and Topology Speaker: Dan Christensen (Western) "Categories of smooth spaces" Time: 15:30 Room: MC 107 I will describe some categories of "smooth spaces" which generalize the
notion of manifold. The generalizations allow us to form smooth spaces
consisting of subsets and quotients of manifolds, as well as loop spaces
and other function spaces. In more technical language, these categories
of smooth spaces are complete, cocomplete and cartesian closed. I will
give examples and discuss possible applications.
10 Analysis Seminar
Analysis Seminar Speaker: Richard Hind (Notre-Dame) "Symplectic embeddings and holomorphic curves" Time: 14:30 Room: MC 107 We obtain a new obstruction to symplectic embeddings derived using the Symplectic Field Theory. Pizza Seminar
Pizza Seminar Speaker: Matthias Franz (Western) "Primes in Cryptography" Time: 16:30 Room: MC 107 Although we might not be aware of it, Number Theory has entered our
daily lives: encrypted Internet connections (e.g., for online banking)
are based on algorithms involving giant prime numbers with several
hundred or more digits. In this talk, I will explain how RSA, the most prominent of these public
key encryption schemes, works. Then I will address the important
question of how one can actually find the large primes needed for these
applications. The primality tests used in practice turn out to be
probabilistic, which means that they may sometimes give a wrong answer.
Hopefully, I will convince you that this is no reason to be worried
about the money in your account.
11 Noncommutative Geometry
Noncommutative Geometry Speaker: Ivan Dynov (York University) "Type III von Neumann algebras associated the infinite-dimensional nilpotent group B_0^\mathbb Z" Time: 15:00 Room: MC 106 We consider von Neumann algebras generated by regular representations of the infinite-dimensional group B_0^\mathbb Z of infinite, finite-order upper triangular matrices. These regular representations were defined and studied by Alexander Kosyak. They depend on a Gaussian measure on the group of infinite (arbitrary order) upper triangular matrices. A certain condition on the measure implies that the right regular representation is reducible and that the von Neumann algebra generated by the right regular representation is the commutant of the left one. In this case we prove that these von Neumann algebras are type III_1 factors, according to the classification of Alain Connes.
Colloquium Speaker: Richard Hind (Notre Dame University) "Symplectomorphisms of products" Time: 15:30 Room: MC 108 Hamiltonian (or symplectic) diffeomorphisms are well-known to
preserve volume. Gromov's work in the eighties implied that the smallest
factor in a polydisk also corresponds to an invariant of symplectic
embeddings. In dimensions at least 6 we will ask to what extent the areas of
other factors place restrictions on symplectic embeddings. Specific
constructions will show that any such restrictions must be fairly weak, but
they nevertheless exist and remarkably our constructions turn out to be in
some sense sharp. We will derive some implications for Hofer's metric on
groups of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms.
12 Stable Homotopy
Stable Homotopy Speaker: Peter Oman (Western) "Enriched Category Theory and Homotopy Theory" Time: 14:00 Room: MC 107 |
13 Algebra Seminar
Algebra Seminar Speaker: *** joint with NCG Seminar *** Hadi Salmasian (University of Windsor) "Character sheaves and representations of p-adic groups" Time: 15:30 Room: MC 106 In this talk we give a geometric interpretation of characters of certain representations of p-adic GL(n), which are usually called depth zero supercuspidal representations, in terms of Euler characteristics of certain character sheaves. Our work relies on Lusztig's theory of character sheaves, and in some sense suggests a general framework for relating character sheaves on groups over a nonarchimedean local field to smooth representations. (Joint with Clifton Cunningham.) |
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