Geometry and Topology
Speaker: Rick Jardine (Western)
"Pointed torsors and Galois groups"
Time: 15:30
Room: MC 107
Suppose that H is an algebraic group which is defined over a field k,
and let L be the algebraic closure of k. The canonical stalk for the
etale topology on k induces a simplicial set map from the classifying
space B(H-tors) of the groupoid of H-torsors (aka. principal
H-bundles) to the space BH(L). The homotopy fibres of this map are
groupoids of pointed torsors, suitably defined. These fibres can be
analyzed with cocycle techniques: their path components are
representations of the absolute Galois groupoid in H, and each path
component is contractible. The arguments for these results are simple,
and applications will be displayed.