Speaker: Dror Bar-Natan (Toronto)
"Homomorphic expansions and w-knots"
Time: 15:30
Room: MC 108
Even though little known, the notion of a "homomorphic expansion" is extremely general; it makes sense in the context of practically any algebraic structure, be it a group, or a group homomorphism, or a quandle, or a planar algebra, or a circuit algebra with unzip operations, or whatever.
Even though little known, w-knots make a cool generalization of ordinary knots. They contain ordinary knots and are contained in 2-knots in 4-space and are easier than the latter. They are a quotient of "virtual knots" and are easier then those.
My talk will be about these two notions, homomorphic expansions and w-knots, and about what happens when the two are put together. Lie algebras arise, and Lie groups, and the Kashiwara-Vergne statement, which is one of the deeper statements about the relationship between Lie groups and Lie algebras.
There are also u-knots, and v-knots, and f-knots, and other things which are not knots at all, and there are equally nifty things to say about homomorphic expansions for all those. But not today.
(For more information and handouts, click on the title above.)