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4 Geometry and Topology
Geometry and Topology Speaker: John Harper (Western) "On a Whitehead theorem for topological Quillen homology of algebras over operads" Time: 15:30 Room: MC 107 In Haynes Miller's proof of the Sullivan conjecture on maps
from classifying spaces, Quillen's derived functor notion of homology
(in the case of commutative algebras) is a critical ingredient. This
suggests that homology for the larger class of algebraic structures
parametrized by an operad O will also provide interesting and useful
invariants. Working in the context of symmetric spectra, we prove a
Whitehead theorem for topological Quillen homology of algebras and
modules over operads. This is part of a larger goal to attack the
problem: how much of an O-algebra can be recovered from its
topological Quillen homology? We also prove analogous results for
algebras and modules over operads in unbounded chain complexes.
This talk is an introduction to these results (joint with K. Hess) with
an emphasis on several of the motivating ideas.
5 Analysis Seminar
Analysis Seminar Speaker: Ilya Kossovskiy (Western) "Real Submanifolds in a Complex Space III" Time: 15:30 Room: MC 107 The Theory of Real Submanifolds in a Complex Space (which is sometimes called, in some more general settings, "CR-geometry") goes back to H.Poincare and was deeply developed in further works of E.Cartan, N.Tanaka, S.Chern
and J.Moser. In the present series of lectures we consider the classical aspects of this theory, as well as some recent results, focusing mainly on the holomorphic equivalence problem, groups of holomorphic symmetries and the holomorphic extension problem for real submanifolds in a complex space. |
6 Operads Seminar
Operads Seminar Speaker: Marcy Robertson (Western) "Operadic Algebra I" Time: 14:30 Room: MC 107 We will define operads, algebras over operads, modules over operads, and give various examples. |
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8 Algebra Seminar
Algebra Seminar Speaker: Parker Lowrey (Western) "Autoequivalences and stability conditions " Time: 15:30 Room: MC 107 I will discuss how stability conditions and well adapted autoequivalences can be used to understand geometric information in derived categories. Following this discussion, I will provide an example of the usefulness of these techniques. In particular, I will show how to classify all compactifications of stable bundles on a class of genus 0 singular reducible curves. |
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