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4 Geometry and Topology
Geometry and Topology Speaker: Victor Snaith (Sheffield) "Monomial resolutions of locally $p$-adic groups" Time: 14:30 Room: MC 108 In the 1980's (at UWO) I gave a local construction of the Deligne-Langlands epsilon
factors attached to representations of Galois groups of local field
extensions. The method was to resolve an arbitrary representation by monomial
representations, for which the construction was straightforward. At the
time my idea was to attack the Langlands programme by making a similar
resolution of an arbitrary admissible representation of $GL_{n}K$ where $K$ is a local field. Returning to this with a bit more knowledge, I now more or less have the correct
definition and the outline of the construction to the extent that I can handle
$GL_{2}K$! The entire Langlands programme has many features which were suggested by
properties of representations of finite groups such as $GL_{n}{\mathbb F}_{q}$. So I shall spend a lot of the time illustrating the constructions and properties
in the case of finite groups - looking at some or all of:
(i) Weil representations, (ii) cuspidality and monomial resolutions, (iii) local
L-functions and (iv) Shintani descent. Geometry and Topology
Geometry and Topology Speaker: Julie Bergner (UC/Riverside) "Homotopy-theoretic approaches to higher categories" Time: 15:30 Room: MC 107 Several models for $(\infty, 1)$-categories have been defined and shown to be equivalent, and they are all being used in different areas of algebra and topology. More recently, there has been interest in more general $(\infty, n)$-categories, especially with Lurie's recent work on the Cobordism Hypothesis. Comparison of different definitions is still work in progress by several authors. In this talk, we will go over some of the models for $(\infty, 1)$-categories and discuss some of the methods for inductively generalizing them to models for $(\infty, n)$-categories.
5 Colloquium
Colloquium Speaker: joe blow (Western) "TBA" Time: 08:30 Room: MC 108 Symplectic Learning Seminar
Symplectic Learning Seminar Speaker: M. Mousavi (Western) "Schur-Horn-Kostant theorem : The kernel" Time: 13:30 Room: MC 104 In this talk, we will construct a kernel that will give a new characterization of doubly stochastic operators. This is needed in the proof of the Horn theorem. |
6 Noncommutative Geometry
Noncommutative Geometry Speaker: Farzad Fathizadeh (Western) "An Introduction to the Heisenberg Group" Time: 12:30 Room: MC 108 I will introduce the Heisenberg group, and will elaborate on the Stone-von Neumann Theorem which characterizes the unitary dual of this group. I will then prove
the Plancherel Theorem for the Heisenberg group. |
7 Colloquium
Colloquium Speaker: Eckhard Meinrenken (Toronto) "Group-valued moment maps and Verlinde formulas" Time: 15:30 Room: MC 107 The theory of group-valued moment maps provides a natural framework for moduli spaces of flat G-bundles over surfaces. In this talk, I will describe a quantization procedure for such moment maps. An application to the moduli space example gives the Verlinde numbers.
8 Algebra Seminar
Algebra Seminar Speaker: Andrew Schultz (Wellesley) "Counting solutions to Galois embedding problems" Time: 14:30 Room: MC 107 For any given field $F$ there is a well known parametrizing
space for elementary p-abelian Galois extensions of $F$; for example,
if $K$ contains a primitive pth root of unity, Kummer theory provides
this parametrizing space for us. By putting additional structure on
these parametrizing spaces, we are able to give a parametrizing space
for solutions to any given embedding problem where the quotient is a
cyclic $p$-group and the kernel is an elementary $p$-abelian group. This
allows us to give an explicit count to the number of such solutions,
and in particular we can make certain universal statements about the
number of solutions to such embedding problems. For instance, we use
our results to show that $p$-groups have unbounded realization
multiplicity. |
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