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24 Analysis Seminar
Analysis Seminar Speaker: Steven Lu (UQAM) "Entire holomorphic curves in birational geometry" Time: 14:30 Room: MC 107 After a brief review of classical
function theory on $\mathbb C$, we will
discuss its extension to functions with
values in an algebraic variety, i.e. an
entire holomorphic curve, and motivate
the fact that such a curve should be
constrained by birational invariants of
the variety that pertains to "hyperbolicity."
We will verity this conjectural fact for
varieties of maximal Albanese dimension,
itself a birational invariant. We will assume
no prior knowledge of birational geometry.
This is joint work with Joerg Winkelmann. Pizza Seminar
Pizza Seminar Speaker: Stefan Tohaneanu (Western) "Coding theory and a problem in plane geometry" Time: 16:30 Room: MC 107 I will introduce the basic concepts and results in coding theory and I will explain how these can help determine the maximum number of collinear points from a finite set of points in the plane given by their coordinates. |
25 Noncommutative Geometry
Noncommutative Geometry Speaker: Ali Fathi (Western) "Geometry of Quantum Heisenberg Manifolds" Time: 14:30 Room: MC 107 Quantum Heisenberg Manifolds were first defined by M. Rieffel in 1989 as example of quantization of Heisenberg Manifolds along a Poisson bracket.(A typical Heisenberg Manifold is the quotient of Heisenberg group by a uniform lattice).They are interesting for several reasons, one being just because they are tractable examples of noncommutative manifolds.This means that , like the related but simpler noncommutative tori, Q-Heisenberg manifolds provide a nice setting in which to explore noncommutative geometry. In these series of talks I will explore the different features of the noncommutative geometry on Q-Heisenberg manifolds. We introduce a class of spectral triples on Q-Heisenberg manifold, we introduce the space of L^2 -forms and then we characterize torsion less/Unitary connections. In addition, for a concrete family of unitary connections we compute Ricci curvature and scalar curvature. |
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27 Algebra Seminar
Algebra Seminar Speaker: German Combariza (Western) "A few conjectures about multiple zeta values" Time: 14:40 Room: MC 107 Multiple zeta values (MZV) are the numbers defined by the
convergent series of the form $$\zeta(s_1,s_2,...,s_k)=\sum_{n_1>n_2>...>n_k>0}^\infty
\{1/(n_1^{s_1} >... n_k^{s_k})\}$$ for $s_i$ positive integers. For these real numbers there are some beautiful relations, some of them due to Euler, like $\zeta(2,1) = \zeta(3)$ or $\zeta(2n) = q\pi^{2n}$ for $q$ a rational number. In this lecture I will present some of the most famous conjectures about MZV and its relations. I will show how we try to see the truthfulness of this conjecture by looking at them until a small
degree bounded by the capacity of the actual computers. |
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