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13 Geometry and Topology
Geometry and Topology Speaker: Andrew Salch (Wayne State University ) "Adams spectral sequences, twisted deformation theory, and nonabelian higher-order Hochschild cohomology" Time: 15:30 Room: MC 107 Given a graded Hopf algebra $A$, one wants to compute the stable
representation ring $Stab(A)$. By work of Margolis, computing all possible
Adams spectral sequence $E_2$-terms for finite module spectra over certain
commutative ring spectra amounts to computing the cohomology of A with
coefficients in each generator for Stab(A), when is a subalgebra of the
Steenrod algebra. However, actually computing $Stab(A)$ is (in Margolis'
words) "a very difficult problem in general." In this talk we describe this relationship between Stab(A) and Adams
spectral sequences, and we describe a new approach to the computation of
Stab(A) which uses a twisted version of the deformation theory of modules.
While untwisted first-order deformations of an A-module M are classified
by the Hochschild cohomology group $HH^1(A, End(M))$, our twisted
deformations instead are classified by a nonabelian (that is, with
coefficients in a nonsymmetric module) version of the "higher-order
Hochschild cohomology" of Pirashvili. We discuss existence and uniqueness
results for these nonabelian higher-order Hochschild cohomologies, and the
relative difficulty of actually making these computations (in particular,
when they do and do not run up against of the unsolvability of the word
problem!). |
14 Analysis Seminar
Analysis Seminar Speaker: Debraj Chakrabarti (Tata Institute, Bangalore) "The Hartogs Triangle Revisited" Time: 14:30 Room: MC 107 We will discuss some recent results on the $L^2$-theory of the
$\overline{\partial}$-equation on the domain $\{\vert z_1 \vert <
\vert z_2\vert <1\}$
in $\mathbb{C}^2$. This is joint work with Mei-Chi Shaw. Pizza Seminar
Pizza Seminar Speaker: Zack Wolske (Western) "What Is The Least Lonely Number?" Time: 16:30 Room: MC 107 The rational numbers are dense in the reals, so we can always approximate a real as closely as we'd like to by a rational number. But how close can the rational get if we restrict the size of the denominator? If only a few lucky ones can ever get close, the number will be mighty lonely. Many great mathematicians have worked on this problem, and in this talk we'll give a historical survey of their results, along with examples of transcendental and Liouville numbers - the least lonely of them all. |
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16 Colloquium
Colloquium Speaker: Hal Schenck (University of Illinois Champaign Urbana) " From Approximation Theory to Algebraic Geometry: the Ubiquitous Spline" Time: 15:30 Room: MC 107 A fundamental problem in mathematics is to approximate a given
function on some region R with a nice function, such as a polynomial. In
order to get a good approximation, the standard strategy is to subdivide R
into smaller regions Δi, approximate f on those regions, and require
compatibility conditions on Δi∩Δj. In the most studied case, the Δi are
simplices, and the compatibility condition is Cr-smoothness. The set of
piecewise polynomial functions of degree at most k and smoothness r on a
triangulation Δ is a vector space, and even when Δ ⊆ R2, the dimension of
Crk(Δ) is unknown. Work of Alfeld-Schumaker provides an answer if k≥3r+1,
and Billera earned the Fulkerson prize for solving a conjecture of Strang
for the case r=1 and a generic triangulation Δ. I will discuss recent
progress on the dimension question using tools of algebraic geometry, when Δ
is a polyhedral complex. I will also touch on a beautiful connection to
toric geometry, provided by work of Payne on the equivariant Chow cohomology
of toric varieties.
17 Algebra Seminar
Algebra Seminar Speaker: Hal Schenck (University of Illinois Champaign Urbana) "Toric specializations of the Rees algebra of Koszul cycles" Time: 14:40 Room: MC 107 We study the linear syzygies of a homogeneous ideal
$I$ in a polynomial ring $S = k[x_0..x_n]$, focussing on the graded betti numbers
b_i = {\textrm{dim}}_k {\textrm{Tor}}_i(S/I, k)_{i+1}.
For any projective variety $X$ in $P^n$ and divisor $D$, what conditions on $D$ ensure that $b_i$ is nonzero? Eisenbud has shown that a decomposition $D=A+B$ such that $A$ and $B$ have at least
two sections give rise to determinantal equations (and
corresponding syzygies) in $I_X$ and conjectured that if
the quadratic component of $I$ is generated by quadrics of
rank at most four, then the last nonvanishing $b_i$ is a
consequence of such a decomposition. We describe obstructions
to the conjecture and prove a variant. The obstructions arise
from toric specializations of the Rees algebra of Koszul cycles,
and we give an explicit construction of toric varieties with
minimal linear syzygies of arbitrarily high rank. This leads
to a number of interesting open questions.
(joint work with M. Stillman). |
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