PhD Thesis Defence
Speaker: Mitsuru Wilson (Western)
"A Gauss-Bonnet-Chern theorem for the noncommutative 4-sphere (PhD Public Lecture)"
Time: 14:00
Room: MC 107
We introduce pseudo-Riemannian calculus of modules over noncommutative algebras in order to investigate as to what extent the differential geometry of classical Riemannian manifolds can be extended to a noncommutative setting. In this framework, it is possible to prove an analogue of the Levi-Civita theorem. It states that there exists at most one connection, which satisfies a torsion-free condition and a metric compatibility condition on a given smooth manifold. More significantly, the corresponding curvature operator has the same symmetry properties as in the classical curvature tensors. In my talk, I will discuss pseudo-Riemannian calculi over the noncommutative 4-sphere for a conformal class of the round metric and their corresponding scalar curvatures. Lastly, in this setting it is possible to prove a Gauss-Bonnet-Chern type theorem.