Analysis Seminar
Speaker: Eric Schippers (University of Manitoba)
"Dirichlet problem and jump decomposition on quasicircles"
Time: 15:30
Room: MC 108
Any complex harmonic function of finite Dirichlet energy on a Jordan domain has boundary values on the Jordan curve in a sense due to Osborn. For which Jordan curves must there be a harmonic function of finite Dirichlet energy on the complement with these same boundary values?
The Plemelj-Sokhotski jump formula says that a reasonably regular complex function on a reasonably regular Jordan curve can be written as the difference of boundary values of holomorphic functions on the domain and its complement. For which Jordan curves does the jump formula hold in the Dirichlet space setting?
The answer to both of these questions (once they are made suitably precise) is: for those Jordan curves which are quasicircles.
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